Agenda Item 51: Tampa City Council Takes on Prostitution and Possible Human Trafficking on Kennedy Blvd

Many members of Clean Up Kennedy came to support the City Council in their efforts to address illicit activity and human trafficking on Kennedy Blvd and across Tampa.

Even though the agenda item was second to last in the 2 and a half hour meeting, the Council members responded to the report given by the city attorney with enthusiasm. This positive energy and the thoughtful questions and comments show that they are seriously committed to moving forward with a strategy to end the illicit massage parlor blight on Kennedy Blvd, and throughout the city. What was scheduled to be a 5 minute report turned into a lively 20+ minute discussion.

The City Council has called for a Workshop on September 28th at 9am to hear from experts and the public, to form a plan to combat illicit businesses and human trafficking in the city.

Here is the video of Joe Manson, founder of Clean Up Kennedy, addressing the City Council during the public comments portion of the meeting. Each City Council meeting has 30 minutes of allotted time where any citizen of Tampa can speak for 3 minutes. If you feel passionately about human trafficking in Tampa or any other issue come and speak! Citizens getting involved is the only way to make a change in our communities.

Several news outlets covered the July 27th City Council meeting and Clean Up Kennedy.

Mark Douglas at Channel 8 added another story in his ongoing series 'Storefronts for Sex?' which in April catapulted the issue of illicit massage businesses operating on Kennedy into the public eye and turbo-charged the launch of Clean Up Kennedy.

Shannon Valladolid at Channel 10 did a great report as well. In addition to reporting on the meeting she highlighted the fact that Seven Star Spa has closed its doors. She also posted some pictures of our group at the meeting and had a Facebook live discussion about some of the issues involving Illicit Massage Businesses in Tampa.

Kellie Cowan at FOX 13 News also ran a story about the meeting and previously reported on our street demonstrations. 

Thank you to everyone who came out to the meeting and is involved in fighting evil in our city.

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