
Showing posts from June, 2018

Suspected Illicit Massage Business Report: Crystal Spa

Suspected Illicit Massage Business Report: Crystal Spa CLICK HERE to read the full report This 27 page report, compiled from observation of the storefront, interviews with neighboring residents and businesses, public record analysis, and examination of its digital footprint, outlines many of the details of Crystal Spa at 3302 W Kennedy Blvd. Comparing these details with known warning signs for illicit massage businesses, the authors of the report have determined that there is a very high likelihood that Crystal Spa is operating as an illicit massage business.  Some of the highlights of the report: A look back at this property's history shows that this location has hosted several suspected illicit massage parlors over the past decade.  A careful review of public property and tax documents reveal many details. The owner of the Crystal Spa business (CRYSTAL WELLBEING, INC) Mi Jin Joung, and the owner of the property (ARCH ENTERPRISES OF TAMPA IN...

As Pressure Increases, Spas Shut Down

 As public awareness increases and the City cracks down on illicit businesses operating on Kennedy Blvd another suspected illicit massage business shuts its doors. The space where Spa Land was renting is now empty and ready to be home to a legitimate and law abiding businesses. Before  After  Over the past year several of these questionable establishments have closed up.  FL Day Spa Japanese Spa Lucky Spa  And of course Seven Star Spa (which is now Sun Spa but we are still including it in this list) The City is getting serious about enforcing their new Bathhouse Ordinance targeting illicit massage parlors. Mark Douglas made another hard hitting report which included a supportive quote from the mayor about the enforcement. The article was picked up by the national anti-trafficking organization Polaris who have been focusing on massage parlor trafficking in a new initiative this year.  CLICK HERE for articl...