'Clean Up Kennedy' is committed to ending the Illicit Massage Parlor blight on Kennedy Blvd by developing a community-based awareness campaign, supporting and equipping local law enforcement, and working with local government to end the victimization of women on our streets in Tampa.
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Clean Up Kennedy is empowered by the commitment of its volunteers. People from all walks of life standing together and saying NO MORE to the commercial sexual exploitation in our community. Change starts here and its citizens like you that make it happen. Fill out our Volunteer Survey below and join our Facbook Group to become a Clean Up Kennedy Volunteer.
Suspected Illicit Massage Business Report: Crystal Spa CLICK HERE to read the full report This 27 page report, compiled from observation of the storefront, interviews with neighboring residents and businesses, public record analysis, and examination of its digital footprint, outlines many of the details of Crystal Spa at 3302 W Kennedy Blvd. Comparing these details with known warning signs for illicit massage businesses, the authors of the report have determined that there is a very high likelihood that Crystal Spa is operating as an illicit massage business. Some of the highlights of the report: A look back at this property's history shows that this location has hosted several suspected illicit massage parlors over the past decade. A careful review of public property and tax documents reveal many details. The owner of the Crystal Spa business (CRYSTAL WELLBEING, INC) Mi Jin Joung, and the owner of the property (ARCH ENTERPRISES OF TAMPA IN...
Clean Up Kennedy is proud to announce that after months of pressure from our street demonstrations and the coverage from the local news and calls from city officials, the property owner has asked the tenants to leave, and they have agreed. Seven Star Spa has closed. With its 20+ foot red and yellow sign Seven Star Spa has been one of the most visible illicit massage businesses for over a decade. We hope that other property owners will follow suit. If they suspect that illegal activity is occurring on their property they will quickly take action to see that it is put to a stop. These illegal and exploitative businesses that have been a fixture on Kennedy Blvd and across Tampa for decades are not invincible. All it takes is for a few citizens of Tampa to stand up and say " No More! " We have said this before and we will say it again: WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY
This is the first of several Open Source Intelligence Reports compiled by our team, this report highlights 11 Suspected Illicit Massage Businesses in Tampa, FL. More detailed reports on specific locations and on the network of individuals, corporations and locations that are involved in this state-wide Suspected Illicit Massage Business apparatus will be released in the coming weeks. >>>CLICK HER FOR LINK TO FULL REPORT<<< This Report is not intended to provide a definitive answer as to whether the businesses listed here actively participate in Prostitution, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, or Human Trafficking. The purpose of this Report is to highlight some locations and businesses who exhibit evidence pointing towards that conclusion. This Report is also not an exhaustive list of Suspected Illicit Massage Business in the City of Tampa, there are many more not listed. Join our Facebook group for coming updates https://www.faceboo...